

António Costa Pinto

The Blue Shirts. Portuguese Fascists and the New State

New York ,  SSM-Columbia University Press

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In this work on Portuguese authoritarianism in the context of European fascism, Pinto focuses on the National Syndicalist Movement of the early 1930's. This book explores its defeat in 1935 by Oliveira Salazar, the rising Catholic dictator of Portugal, and compares the entire history of Portuguese fascism to other projections of fascism worldwide.—Patterns of Prejudice.

Also available in Portuguese: Os Camisas Azuis. Ideologia, Elites e Movimentos Fascistas em Portugal (1914-1945), Lisbon, Editorial Estampa, 1994 and 1995, 342 pages; Italian version: Fascismo e Nazionalsindacalismo in Portogallo: 1914-1945, Rome, Antonio Pellicani Editore, 2001, 439 pages.

Contact Information

Antonio Costa Pinto   |
Institute of Social Sciences   |   Av. Professor Anibal Betencourt, 9   |   1600-189 Lisbon   |   Portugal